Agriculture and Environmental Degradation
in Baja California Peninsula:A Viewpoint
The United Graduate School of Agriculture
Tottori University. Raul Lopez
The rapid spread of desertification
in dry environments is a problem of international dimension.
Many ecosystems are being degraded, mainly due to over-exploitation
of their natural resources. In Mexico, desertification occur
particularly on fragile nature of the arid and semiarid regions
of the northwest part of the country which account for 60%
of total land surface. In Baja California Peninsula, soils
are frequently poorly structured, pH is generally very high
(8.5 to 9.5) and salt deposits and salinization are common
phenomena. Prevailing winds are strong, unhampered by obstacles
on the ground and erosion is common. These achieve a delicate
natural equilibrium which requires little disturbance to cause
inestability and imbalance leading to degradation. Here, the
task of anti-desertification action would be to stabilize,reclaim
or rehabilitate several thousands of hectares by appropriate
The Baja California peninsula has
a very dry climate, where the average annual rainfall goes
from less than 100 to 300 mm and mean temperatures range between
18 to 22℃. Rainfall is characterized by its irregularity and
variability in both time and space.
Most soils in Baja Peninsula are Aridisols, low in organic
matter and nitrogen. Levels of plant nutrients except nitrogen
tend to be high (Table 1). These soils can be highly productive
where irrigation water and necessary skills are available
and temperature are favorable. In the JICA project developed
in Guerrero Negro, B.C.S., higher yields of tomato, bell pepper,
melon, onion, cabbage, cauliflower, brocoli, beet, have been
reported by using drip irrigation and fertilizers applied
together with the irrigation water (Table 2). In San Quintin
and La Paz valley (Figure 1) due to economic pressures the
most profitable crops are grown and the crops most adapted
are planted. This results in much monoculture, where the same
crop, mainly tomato and bell pepper is grown year to year
unless diseases or insect pressures, necessitate a change.
In Santo Domingo velley and in the south part of the peninsula,
legume crops are used extensively , but the number adapted
species is limited. Pasture species include some clovers and
alfalfa,being the latter the most extensively grown forage
Salt-Affected Soils
Risk of Salinity
Recently, intensification of agriculture in Baja California
Peninsula has occurred in only localized areas by means of
the widespread use of commercial fertilizer. Here,the management
and fertilizers recommendation for crop production are based
largely on research conducted elsewhere under different environmental
and soil conditions.
Consequently, in some areas of Baja California, such as, San
Quintin valley, Santo
Domingo valley, and Vizcaino valley (Figure 1), the indiscriminate
use of large amounts of chemical fertilizers and the overexploitation
of groundwater have dramatically increased the surface affected
by salinity. It is true that growing crops redistribute water
in a landscape (by changing vegetation, water infiltration
into the soil,and runoff), which in turn can aggravate the
natural salinization of soil.
Solutions to the Salinity
lt is necessary carry out a first attempt to describe salinity
in Baja California peninsula in a standard way to provide
a base line against which to compare future measurements
of salinity. The aims of the assessment must be focused
1) To estimate the current extent and severity of soil salinity
2) To assess the risk that soil salinity levels will increase
under current agricultural land use and management practices.
Nevertheless, improving the management and use of salinized
land requires an
attitude shift on the part of policy makers, planners, and
producers. Reducing the severity and extent of soil salinity
is primarily a problem of water management. Good water managment
involves both preventing water received in the recharge
areas from percolating into groundwater, an maintaining
the water table in the discharge area at a low, safe level.
The most common approach to salinity management is to maintain
a prescribed leaching requirement. However, this method
is inadequate when irrigation water have substantial salt
contents, such as, sodium, carbonates, and bicarbonates.
In addition, usually in these soils surface drainage-ways
are poorly developed, often causing closed outlets for leaching
resulting in high water tables. Therefore, leaching is not
a viable option to reclaim these saline soils. Hence, studies
of halophytes that accumulate salt and tolerate very dry
conditions must be considered. If the plant regrow, or can
be seeded then this may be an option in removing salt from
these Systems.
Nitrogen Use Efficiency and the
Risk of Groundwater Contamination
The sparse vegetation in areas
of Baja California result in soils in soils which are low
in organic matter.Since the major storehouse form of nitrogen
is soil organic matter,nitrogen is usually the major limiting
plant nutrient.Therefore,the intensification of crop production
in Baja California requires the use of nitrogen fertilizers.However,in
these soils,the efficiency of nitrogen uptake may not exceed
30%,then loss of nitrogen fertilizer through deep percolation
cause nitrogen contamination of groundwater.
Indeed,ineficient use of nitrogen fertilizers in intensive
agriculture production appeared to be responsible for increased
NO3 levels in groundwater.Therefore,understanding
the crop demand for untrients during its growing period
is the main information needed to plan the application rates
and timing of nitrogen that could prevent nitrate losses.
Leaching of applied fertilizer nitrogen results in reduced
efficiency of applied nitrogen by the target crop and is
an agricultural and environmental problem.The intensification
of crop production in areas of Baja California requires
a judicious use of nitrogen fertilizers.In JICA project
developed in Guerrero Negro has been evaluated the growth
pattern and the removal of nutrients by sevaral crops.These
studies revealed that higher yields of horticultural crops
can be obtained by using drip irrigation and fertilizers
applied together with the irrigation water.However,further
nitrogen fertilization studies are necessary as part a program
to develop optimal fertilizer recommendations in the Vizcaino
Desert and other dry areas of Baja California.
In spite of the low rainfall,
Baja Peninsula have their share of climatic storms from
September to December. Because these soils are low in organic
matter and tend to be less granulatcd than humid soils,
and cropping systems are adapted to moisture conservation,
with resultant periods without cover, erosion by both wind
and water tends to be severe. High-intensity rains and high
wind velocities are common even in these areas. The planting
of trees, such as Eucalyptus and Pines, to slow down wind
velocities have been used. However, there are conflicting
observations concerning the effects due to these windbreaks.
Therefore, further research is necessary to evaluate another
plant material of trees or shrubs that tolerate drought
and very dry conditions.
On the other hand, some legumes crops or halophytes must
be evaluated as covers on bare or unprotected dry soil to
prevent erosion by water.
Environmental issues on the excessive
use of chemical fertilizers and energy shortage in recent
years led to the renewed interest in using organic agriculture.
Recently, organic agriculture has gained interest in Mexico.
In Baja California Peninsula, organic agriculture has an
important role in Los Cabos zone (south part) and San Quintin
valley (north part), where several horticultural crops,
such as tomato, bell pepper, onion, among others, are being
grown under this system. Here composting seems to be desirable
solution for organic waste management. Readly available
wastes such as cattle manure and yard waste have been found
to be suitable materials for composting. However, development
of new management systems which will increase the quality
of the products, decrease salt concentration, and improve
the physical structure is needed. In addition, the chemical
nature of the descomposition process and the evaluation
of compost maturity are a difficult problem, since several
parameters are required to provide a definite evaluation
for the readness of the material for use in horticulture.
On the other hand, the effect of organic matter addition
to soil in relation to soil pH changes is not well understood
and merits further investigations in these soils.
Although specific
actions still needs to be quantified in terms of resource
requeriments and clear priorities need to be defined to
solve the problem in Baja California Peninsula areas most
threatened by desertification process, the comments highlighted
above only provide a general action framework. The complexity
of the desertification problem makes it imperative to conduct
multidisciplinary research aimed at evolving improved techniques
for the management of these regions which would need the
close cooperation of the international community. Mexican
researchers felt that they need coordination, exchange of
knowledge and experience, and preparation of working plans
for implementation so that the failures and successes in
each country can be communicated to others and help in reaching
an optimum result.